A brief note about Christ the King Miracle Church, Redford, Michigan
By Rev. Dr. Emmanuel Ayorinde
CKMC Michigan started in February 1999, and has roared ahead for these past seventeen years by God’s grace, despite satan’s ferocious attacks, as expected of the enemy of souls. Through it all, we have deep-rooted causes to give glory to our God. Remarkable healings, victories, provisions, and other acts of God’s miraculous benevolence have over-whelmed us. Our various departments – music, youth, evangelism, helps, etc., are making their remarkable contributions to the church’s health and progress,
All along, the Word of God is being taught, and is being enjoyed. We take particular care to make the doctrines of God, and how to successfully navigate this world using the same, known to the children of God, and we also monitor their progress in that pathway. We are happy that many have profited significantly from Another area of progress is that of the Mizpah Bible School, a collaborative program with Oral Roberts University, whereby the ORU Theology courses are taught locally using ORU materials, towards ORU certificates and diplomas. This continues to be singularly successful, and has contributed to both the spiritual and personal developments of the participants, whose number is When we look back at all that has gone before, and take a peek towards the future, all we can say is “To God be all the Glory!”